To Make a Payment, Call (507) 337-4924
Flexible Payment Options

Insurance Information
Most health insurance, medical assistance and other forms of third party payment are accepted for services. Residents of the five counties who do not have insurance may be eligible for adjusted fees based on family size and income.
Sliding Fee Policy
Discounts are offered to uninsured patients based upon family/household size, county of residence (Lyon, Lincoln, Murray, Redwood or Yellow Medicine) and annual income. A sliding fee schedule is used to calculate the basic discount and is updated each year using the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Once approved, the discount will be honored for one year after which the patient must reapply during their annual paperwork review.
This policy ensures that a non-discriminatory, uniform and reasonable charge is consistently and evenly applied without regard to the treating clinician. Patients whose household income and family size place them at or below poverty will need to pay a nominal fee of $10. Patients between 101%-250% of poverty are expected to pay a percentage of the full fee based on your poverty level.
Clients who are considered self-pay clients or have insurance that doesn’t covered mental health services will be eligible to apply for a sliding fee.
Western Mental Health Center, Inc Sliding Fee Schedule
Annual Income Thresholds by Sliding Fee Discount Pay Class and Percent Poverty
*Based on 2019 Federal Poverty Guidelines