FCSP: Family Community Support Program
The goal of this program is to assist children/adolescents who are at risk for out-of-home placement to live successfully in their home, remain in their community and attend their local school.
CTSS: Children’s Therapeutic Services and Support
The goal for the CTSS individual program is to provide skills to increase a child’s ability to cope with their programs, develop daily social skills and help them grow emotionally, socially, behaviorally and academically.
CTSS provides skill building for the family of a child with a mental health diagnosis.
SLMH: School Linked Mental Health Services
These services are designed to co-locate mental health services and resources within the school setting during the child’s school day. It also allows teachers, parents and others involved in the child’s care the ability to collaborate and integrate successful treatment strategies into the school and home environment.
Birth to 5 Program
Research tells us that children’s primary relationships are the basis for all further development and helping children early can make all the difference. This is a child’s developing capacity to self regulate and express emotions appropriately, form strong relationships and attachments, interact and explore their environment.
Services are provided in an outpatient clinic, the home, daycare, school and in the community.
Trained Birth to 5 Therapists can provide:
- Diagnostic Assessment
- Family Therapy
- Identification, Treatment and Prevention or Mental Health Developmental or Relationship Difficulties
- Help with Discipline, Aggressive Behaviors, Sleep Disturbances and Social Skills
- Encouragement of Secure Relationships
- Trauma-Informed Child Parent Psychotherapy (TI-CPP)
CIBHS: Children's Intensive Behavioral Health Services
Children’s Intensive Behavioral Health Services focuses on treating trauma. In recent years, a greater understanding has been developed on how to effectively treat children who are suffering from trauma.
Children’s Intensive Behavioral Health Services makes it possible for the service to be available in a traditional or treatment foster home, relative or kinship foster home, or a home licensed by a county, tribe or child caring placing agencies. This service requires a minimum of six hours of contact time within one week and a minimum of three sessions.
Services for the child include:
- Psychotherapy (Individual, Family, Multifamily and Group)
- Psychoeducational Services (Individual, Family, Multifamily and Group)
- Crisis Assistance
- Clinical Care Consultation